Monday, 17 April 2017

A serious case of deja-vu!

So here we are, a little over two years since my last post, and I think we can safely say the end is nigh. Yes, yes, I know you've heard it all before, but this time I really mean it...I think! The Captain maintains that he's been saying he hopes to have finished the boat in six months for about three years now. Let's face it though, according to the law of averages, at some point in time that statement has to be correct. Just maybe, this is his time to be right.

Now there is a good reason for my current sense of optimism. "And that is?" I hear you all cry (metaphorically-speaking anyway). Well, we heard the news today, oh boy (and now I have got 'A Day in the Life...' stuck in my head!), that Smoko will be heading up to Picton two weeks today. And the reason for her trip to Picton? She is going to be rigged, wired and keeled (don't worry, I haven't suddenly gone all techie - those are the Captain's words). Oh yes, and she'll also have all her upholstery done up there. All we have to do now is to keep our fingers and toes crossed that the weather behaves appropriately and doesn't delay those plans.

But for now, dear reader, I will save you from my usual ramblings and instead let the the pictures tell their own story. They will do it so much more eloquently than I ever could.


So there you have it. I don't know about you, but I reckon the Captain's done a pretty awesome job. It may have taken a wee tad longer than we thought (hmmm, on second thoughts, perhaps that's a little bit of an understatement) but the wait has definitely been worth it. She is so nearly complete...although you might just have noticed that the hull still has to be top coated. We're not really going for the 'distressed' look! There are so many holes in the shed now that the Captain decided it would be wisest to get this done in Picton whilst she is having her rigging done. And actually, that's possibly not a silly idea and will certainly help preserve his sanity...well, what bits there are left of it at any rate!

And never fear, the inane babblings will return - probably after I've got over the stress of watching Smoko being craned onto the truck ready for her trip north...


  1. Holy moly and goodness gracious me... it looks outstanding! And bet it exceeds all that and more in the actual flesh!!! Jeepers the Captain is a master craftsman!! Will one day see it for real eh hem lol, here's to the weather behaving so you can tally ho and set sail on the high seas for Picton xxx

    1. How very rude of us Rach n Greig. Just realised we never replied to your lovely comments. I do apologise...but at least you know what we're up to now (although I will be putting posts up very soon of what happened between the last post on here and the current time).

  2. Fantastic!Very nice information for viewer and this post surely give some useful tips to the readers.Thanks and keep sharing such valuable updates through your side! Boat carpet in Oshawa Ontario

    1. Thanks for your kind comments Mark. I always seems to be way behind with my posts and so much has happened since I wrote this installment. We are now launched and living on the boat...but more about that and what happened in between be appearing any day now 8-)
